Main Page
Welcome to the beginnings of the Pratt FAQ, hosted at We currently have 602 mainspace articles along with several policy and special pages for a total of 6,041 pages. If you are new here, you may want to start out by reading the Pratt Wiki Introduction. You will join the 4,622 users who have already registered on the site!
This wiki is specifically devoted to asking and answering questions Pratt students may have about computational methods, MATLAB, LaTeX, and other software or hardware tools typically used in engineering classes. As a start, there is an EGR 53 Startup page for people new to Pratt and in EGR 53 and there is a Welcome Back page for people who need some reminders about how things work or where they are.
We will also include Pratt-specific information about Student Groups, Recommended Hardware, and things of that nature. Finally, some classes will use pages on the wiki as reference material - these classes will show up as categories on the bottom of relevant pages, and the pages will be collected in a category page, such as the one at Category:EGR 53. Note, however, that this is not a general Duke wiki - for that, please see the Duke Wiki, hosted by Andrew Tutt.
What's New?
2/1/2009 New X-Win Key
If you need a new X-Win 9.2 key, you can get it from OIT.
03/13/2025 New Pages and Edits
The last five edits and last five new pages are:
Recent Changes<rss> User Template|max=5|title=X</rss> | New Pages <rss> User Template|max=5</rss> |
Class Pages
For Spring 2009, there are currently class pages for:
Getting Help Working With Wikia
This wiki uses MediaWiki, the same program used by Wikipedia. If you are familiar with that program, you are pretty much good to go here. If not, the Wikipedia Tutorial should come in very handy, especially the parts on editing, formatting, and talk pages. Wikimedia also has a list of help pages for editors.
Asking Questions
Post your questions by editing the discussion page of an article - just click on the discussion tab at the start of the article. Edit the page, then scroll to the bottom and add a question by putting in the characters {{Q}}, followed by your question and finally your signature (with four tildes, i.e. ~~~~). Using the {{Q}} will automatically put the page in the category of pages with questions - you can see this page at Category:Questions. Other editors hoping to help out can then go to that category page to see where the questions are. See the page for the Q Template for details and examples.
For general quations, go to the General Questions page. You should still use the {{Q}} template as well as your signature.
What Can You Do?
At present, there are three places to check out areas identified as needing help. One is the To Do list, which will be a running update of wiki-centric tasks such as which templates and categories have been added. Another is the Projects page, where people can either request additions to the site or look to see possible new pages to create. With respect to the latter, the Wanted Pages page will automatically list any dead-end links that need pages.
Finally, people can use the Q Template on talk pages to place the page on a category page called Category:Questions - go there and you will see pages with as-yet open questions. If you answer a question, please consider using the A Template to let folks know you have answered a question.
What Can We Do?
The Community Portal is a good place to discuss the future of this site. As an example, the first discussion in the portal concerns how best to organize "frequently asked questions" - feel free to jump into that conversation or start a new one!
This site is primarily a project of Dr. Michael Gustafson (whose typical screen name is DukeEgr93). If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can contact him via e-mail at mrg(at)duke(dot)edu or by leaving a message on DukeEgr93's talk page.